Dr. Melissa Walsh is a board-certified OBGYN and Web3 healthcare advocate from NYC, where she served at the frontlines of public health for over a decade.

As an attending physician and clinical assistant professor educating both medical students and residents, she was one of the first OB/GYNs awarded Doctor of the Year honors at New York City’s H+H/Gouverneur in 2018.

Dr. Walsh is an OB/GYN physician contributor with AthenaDAO, a decentralized science (DeSci) community working to advance women’s health research, education, and funding. She is a member of the Humanitarian Physicians Empowerment Community (HPEC), a decentralized network of verified doctors leveraging blockchain technology to authenticate licensing credentials. She is also a founding member of the American Medical Extended Reality Association (AMXRA), a medical society advancing the science and practice of medical extended reality and a member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).

Dr. Walsh is a public speaker and a vocal advocate for the integration of blockchain technology to equitably transform the landscape of medicine & science as well as refocus medical care on the patient-clinician team and the trust needed for that relationship.

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